Doosan GT2100
Chuck size: 8"
Maximum swing: Up to 720mm
Maximum turning diameter: Up to 481mm
Maximum turning length: Up to 1275mm
Turret: 12 (std)
Hwacheon Hitech 300
Chuck Size: 12" Hydraulic Chuck
Maximum Swing: 23.6"
Maximum Turning Diameter: 15"
Maximum Turning Length: 31.5"
Spindle Speed: 35 - 3,200 RPM
Spindle Motor: 30 HP
Dianichi F20 (x2)
Turning length: 599.4 mm
Turning Ø 248.9 mm
12 Station Turret
Turning speed: 4500 rpm
Tailstock: yes
Bar feeder: 46mm dia max 3m long
Leadwell T-7
Fanuc Control
8 inch Chuck -
Max Swing: 520mm
Max Turning: Dia 350mm
Max Turning: Length 550mm
12 Station Turret
Spindle 4,500 rpm - 15Kw

Doosan ST32G
Bar diameter capacity: Up to 35mm
Maximum machining length: Up to 300mm
Number of mountable tools: Up to 25
Spindle (Main): Up to 7.5kW/12,000rpm
Sub-spindle: Up to 3.7kW/up to 10,000rpm
3m bar length
Control: Doosan Fanuc i
Hwacheon Hitech 300
X: 1,021 mm
Y: 541 mm
Z: 510.5 mm
Power: 14.9 kW
RPM: 12000 rpm
# ATC: 40
4 axis
Biglia B42
Twin spindle/ live tooling short magazine barfeed.
Maximum spindle diameter: 42 [mm]

Doosan DNM 500 II
Table Dimensions (mm): 890x400mm
X-Travel (mm): 760
Y-Travel (mm): 410
Z-Travel (mm): 410
Control Fanuc: 21M
Number of Tools in Magazine: 20 position Double Arm ATC
Spindle Taper: BT40
Leadwell MCV-OP
X: 500 mm
Y: 350 mm
Z: 400 mm
Spindle taper: ISO 50
Spindle speed: 6000 rpm
System control: Fanuc-OM

Doosan DNM 6700
Travels:1300mm x 670mm x 625mm
Table:1500mm x 670mm
Spindle power/speed:up to 18.5kW/
Tool changer:30/40 position
Slideways:Roller type
5 axis
Roku Roku
X: 762 mm
Y: 410 mm
Z: 410 mm
RPM: 5300 rpm
ATC: 30
Control CNC (FANUC 10M)

Myford Universal
Cylindrical Grinder

Jones & Shipman 1302
Cylindrical Grinder
250mm dia x 500mm long
Universal Grinders:
Jones & Shipman 1300 x3
MYford MG1 x4
Surface grinding:
Jones Shipman 540
Ring Grinding:
Abwood RG1
Centreless Grinding:
Ghirigelli M65 x2
Cincinatti OM2
Delapena Speed Hone
We have a fully equipped Inspection department which includes a CNC
co-ordinate measuring machine, Profile Projector, Hardness testing machine and a wide range of measuring equipment that is commencerative with the work we perform.